Golf Masters Ltd t/a Pitch Golf London – Event Terms & Conditions

These are the standard terms of Client business (“Terms & Conditions”) of Golf Masters Ltd (“Pitch”), with registered office of Suite 2 258a High Road, Loughton, England, IG10 1RB. All work undertaken by Pitch shall be on these terms unless specifically varied in writing and agreed to by Pitch and the undersigned (“Client”) prior to the event (the “Agreement”).

1. Event Booking Details

1.1. All bookings will be regarded as provisional until a signed copy of these Terms & Conditions has been received from the Client, along with a non-refundable deposit for the required services (as set out in Clause 2.4 below), and only if accepted by Pitch will the booking be confirmed.

1.2. Pitch is not under any obligation to continue holding provisional bookings beyond the given option date (usually five working days from the time of booking), if these have not been received. For the purposes of this Agreement “working days” shall mean Monday to Friday inclusive.

1.3. All booking details must be confirmed with Pitch within 10 working days of the booking date. Any amendment requests thereon raised will be regarded as “Unconfirmed Changes” unless approved in writing by Pitch prior to the booking date.

2. Price & Payment

2.1. All prices quoted by Pitch may be amended when agreed with the Client and the Client will reasonably consider any errors or omissions or where an increase is caused by a change in the circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Pitch.

2.2. Any query arising from an invoice must be notified to Pitch in writing by the Client within five working days of the date of the invoice receipt. Failure to comply will render the full invoice payable on the due date.

2.3. It is strictly the responsibility of the representative of the Client confirming the booking to inform all relevant parties of the payment terms, as set out by Pitch.

2.4. Deposit – A deposit of 50% of the total fee payable (including VAT), as quoted and agreed in the written proposal (attached), of any event shall be payable on confirmation of the order. The remaining 50% shall be known as the “Balance Due”.

2.5. Balance Due – the Balance Due of the total fee shall be payable 10 working days prior to the event date.

2.6. Additional Expenses – any additional expenses or fees resulting from any changes made by the Client, that have not been quoted in the agreed proposal but subsequently incurred by Pitch, will be invoiced separately after the event. Payment will be due within five working days of presentation, any queries thereon raised within three working days of presentation and payment shall be made in accordance with Clause 2.9. Pitch will agree any additional expenses or fees with the Client prior to these being incurred.

2.7. Damages – The Client agrees to pay for all damages to any Pitch property or equipment directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from, in whole or in part, any act, omission, negligence, or fault of the Client or any of the Client’s guests, invitees or other participants in the booking. For avoidance of doubt, this excludes damage to golf balls, golf tees and drinking glasses.

2.8. Unconfirmed Changes – any Unconfirmed Changes resulting from amendments made by the Client, that have not been quoted in the agreed proposal but subsequently requested by or expected from the Client and not confirmed by Pitch, will not be the responsibility of Pitch.

2.9. Late Bookings – Should a booking be made within 20 working days of the event date, payment in full will be required to secure the event.

2.10. Methods of Payment:
Please call Pitch on +44 (0)20 7628 9424, quoting your event date and the Client name to make payment. Bank details will be provided. The Client must inform Pitch in writing (preferably by email) of any bank transfers

3. Cancellation

3.1. This clause applies to the following: where the Client (a) cancels the entire event, (b) cancels partial use of the facilities for the event or (c) reduces the duration of the event as a result of which the contracted value is reduced.

3.2. Should an event be cancelled, the following cancellation charges will apply and extend to the total charge which includes: any private venue hires, bay hires, golf tuition, pre-booked food and beverage charges. In addition, the client will settle any third-party charges incurred by Pitch on behalf of the client.
Cancellation Clause %:
– More than 120 working days prior to the event Nil
– 120 to 61 working days prior to the event 50%
– 60 to 31 working days prior to the event 80%
– 31 working days or less prior to the event 100%

3.3. All cancellations must be received in writing from the Client and will be deemed to take effect from the date of receipt.

3.4. Pitch reserves the right to cancel the Client’s booking if there has been a change of more than 40% of the Client’s original contract. Written notification will be sent to the Client.

3.5. Any postponements of confirmed and contracted business or any Public Health Emergency declared by Public Health England, the Chief Medical Officer for England or any law or any action taken by the UK government or UK public authority that directly affects the operation of the event will be considered as a cancellation in accordance with the above cancellation clauses. However, provided the revised event date is agreed (subject to availability) and takes place within 12 months of the original event date, payments received by Pitch from the Client shall form a credit towards the future event. Should any postponement costs be incurred by Pitch, the Client will be notified and these costs will be deducted from the amount held as credit.

4. Liability

4.1. On some events, the activities that the Clients will undertake may be inherently dangerous although all guests are fully supervised throughout. As such neither Pitch or its employees or agents shall be liable for any damage, loss, delay or expenses caused to the Client, its employees, agents, licensees or invitees or any other persons attending the event except insofar as it results from the negligence of Pitch or breach of contract. Please note that during particular events and on certain activities it may be necessary to request individuals to sign a liability waiver on the day of the event (although the same does not purport to exclude liability for damage to personal property of the Clients employees or staff or property damage caused to the Clients property or personal injury arising as a result of the negligence of Pitch), in which instances Pitch agrees to indemnify and hold the Client harmless against all such claims.

5. Force Majeure

5.1. Pitch shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God (other than one arising from or related to directly or indirectly from volcanic ash), strikes, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, breakdown of plant or machinery, and Pitch shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligations.

6. Severance

6.1. If any term or provision of these Terms & Conditions is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the provisions hereof shall continue in full force and effect as if these Terms & Conditions had been agreed with the invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision eliminated.

7. Governing Law

7.1. These Terms & Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.



1. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS: In these Rules “the Company” means Golf Masters Ltd (and all of its subsidiary companies trading as Pitch) which provides the Club and its facilities for the benefit of the Guest; “the Club” means “Pitch”; “Guest” means the individual who made the booking and their invitees or other participants in the booking; “Rules” mean the terms and conditions of booking set out below. It is a condition of booking that Guests agree to be bound by these Rules. These Rules may be revoked, altered or added to from time to time by the Company, without prior notification to Guests. The Company has created these Rules for the mutual enjoyment of Guests. The enforcement of these Rules is for the good of all Guests. No Guest will be judged on the basis of their race, gender, marital/civil partnership status, age, disability, religion or belief, colour, national origin or sexual orientation.

2. GUESTS AND FEE: Guests must be at least 18 years of age. All Guests are required to pay for their bookings at the Club in advance. The Company reserves the right to refuse a Guest booking from any applicant for any reason. Guest bookings are non-transferable and non-refundable, unless there is written agreement to the contrary. If any Guest booking fees or charges incurred are not paid when they fall due, the Company reserves the right to temporarily refuse the Guest access to the Club until such time as full payment has been made. All Guest bookings will be regarded as provisional until payment in full has been received from the Guest. If any fees or charges incurred are not paid prior to the Guest booking, the booking may be terminated without notice. Any postponements of confirmed and contracted business or any Public Health Emergency declared by Public Health England, the Chief Medical Officer for England or any law or any action taken by the UK government or UK public authority that directly affects the operation of the booking will be considered as a cancellation. However, provided the revised event date is agreed (subject to availability) and takes place within 12 months of the original event date, payments received by Pitch from the Guest shall form a credit towards the future event.

3. GUEST ENTRY: All Guests are required to register at the Concierge desk, showing valid ID. Guests may bring a maximum of 5 additional Guests per visit, unless arrangements have been made in advance. All Guests must be a minimum of 18 years of age. The Company does not hold any responsibility for the ability to provide goods and services to a Guest booking where the Guest group size is greater than 6, without prior written agreement to the contrary. The Company reserves the right to refuse admission to any Guest without explanation.

4. USE OF FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Club opening hours are fixed by the Company and are subject to change without prior notice. The Company may at any time close the Club’s premises or any part thereof, without notice, in order to; execute repairs, alterations, accommodate external events, re-decorations or otherwise, to facilitate Club programmes or on certain holidays. Only members of staff or a nominated 3rd party (the “Golf Professional”) may provide professional golf coaching services within the Club (“Lessons”). Guests are requested to arrive at the Club 5 minutes before the official start time. If Guests are late for their booking, the booking time will be reduced accordingly. If Guests are more than 20 minutes late for their booking, the booking may be cancelled. The Company may refuse entry if a Guest arrives later than the start time, or may ask any Guest to leave the Club if they feel theirs, or another’s, safety or enjoyment is in jeopardy. The Company reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club’s premises at its absolute discretion. It is the Guests’ responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing any activity within the Club. All activities and treatments are pursued at the Guests’ own risk. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Guest booking schedule, the management reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule a Guest booking at short notice. Use of the Club is at the Guests’ own risk and under their own medical advice. Proper attire, as determined by the Company, must be worn in the Club. Guests are requested to wear at all times appropriate clean footwear in the Club. Appropriate attire must be worn in the Club. Footwear must be worn at all times. Pets are not allowed in the Club without the Company’s prior approval. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Club. Only food and drink purchased from the Club should be consumed within the Club. No alcoholic beverages or drugs of any kind may be brought into the Club. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the Club. Guests shall not use the Club’s facilities whilst heavily influenced by alcohol or under the influence of drugs. In the event they do so, this is entirely at their own risk. Mobile phones are allowed in the Clubs however Guests cannot take photos or videos of other Guests in the Club and are asked to be considerate of other Club Members or Guests when using a mobile phone. Be considerate of others; loud or abusive language will not be tolerated. Club property, including golf clubs, balls, tees etc., is provided by the Club as a courtesy to its Guests during Club usage only. Removal of Club property from the premises may result in legal action. Guests are required to leave bays clean and tidy. As a courtesy to other Guests and for health and safety reasons, equipment needs to be replaced in the storage areas/golf bags provided. CCTV Closed circuit cameras operate throughout the Club (except in the changing areas) (see our Privacy Notice for more information). Any unlawful activity within the Club may be reviewed for possible legal action.

5. DAMAGES: The Guest agrees to pay for all damages to any Pitch property or equipment directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from, in whole or in part, any act, omission, negligence, or fault of the Guests, invitees or other participants in the booking. For avoidance of doubt, this excludes damage to golf balls, golf tees and drinking glasses.

6. LIABILITY: Neither the Club nor the Company will accept liability for any damage or loss to a Guest’s personal property brought into the Club’s premises. All activities and treatments are taken at the Guest’s own risk. Neither the Club, the Company nor their servants and agents shall be liable for personal injury sustained by Guests whilst on the Club’s premises, except in so far as it can be proven that this relates to the wilful act, neglect or default of the Company or the Club or any servants or agents. Guests who suffer an accident or injury on the Club premises must report the accident or injury and the circumstances in which it occurred to the Club’s management immediately following the accident or injury.

7. GUEST HEALTH AND SAFETY WARRANTY: Guests must warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and capable of engaging in exercise. If through injury or other reason, such as pregnancy, this is not the case, they must consult a doctor before engaging in exercise and that he/she knows of no medical or other reason why he/she is not able to engage in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to his/her health, safety, comfort or physical condition. The Guest shall not use any Club facilities whilst suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or whilst suffering from a physical ailment such as open cuts, abrasions, open sores or minor infections where there is a risk that such use may be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of other Guests. We recommend that before using the Club you familiarise yourself with the fire exits and emergency routes in case of evacuation. Please note that employees are NOT required to “seek & search” the building. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each individual to follow the relevant instructions. Please note lifts will not be operational during an emergency evacuation.

8. DATA PROTECTION: Your data privacy and security are important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Notice which explains how we collect, store and handle your personal data.

9. CANCELLATION OF BOOKING: Guest bookings are non-transferable and non-refundable, unless there is written agreement to the contrary. If any Guest booking fees or charges incurred are not paid when they fall due, the Company reserves the right to temporarily refuse the Guest access to the Club until such time as full payment has been made. All Guest bookings will be regarded as provisional until payment in full has been received from the Guest. If any fees or charges incurred are not paid prior to the Guest booking, the booking may be terminated without notice. Any postponements of confirmed and contracted business or any Public Health Emergency declared by Public Health England, the Chief Medical Officer for England or any law or any action taken by the UK government or UK public authority that directly affects the operation of the booking will be considered as a cancellation. However, provided the revised event date is agreed (subject to availability) and takes place within 12 months of the original event date, payments received by Pitch from the Guest shall form a credit towards the future event. The Company shall have the right to suspend or withdraw Club privileges from any Guest who, in their opinion, has abused privileges or conducted himself or herself in a manner deemed detrimental to the Club staff or its Members and other Guests. Such expulsion or suspension shall become effective immediately and no reimbursement will be issued to such Guest of the pro-rated portion of their unused booking. The Club management or a designee shall have complete charge of the Club whilst on duty. Guests may be expelled from the Club immediately if they display conduct which is, or is likely to be in the sole opinion of the Company, injurious to the character of the Club or the interests of the Members, other Guests and staff, or if they commit a serious or repeated breach of these Rules, in particular where amounts owing to the Company are unpaid. An expelled Guest forfeits all the privileges of the booking and all rights against the Company. An expelled Guest will not be entitled to any refund of their booking and must pay all amounts owed to the Company forthwith.

10. STANDARD COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: Guests are encouraged to make any comment or complaint via email or through the website. Please ensure that all contact details are detailed in order that a member of the team can contact you accordingly to discuss. Should a Guest wish to discuss any issue in person they can also request to speak to the Club management who can be contacted by Concierge. It is our aim that we respond within 48 hours of receiving a comment or complaint. All written and verbal complaints are discussed at the Club’s management team meetings every week and tracked until resolved.



1. INTRODUCTION AND DEFINITIONS: In these Rules “the Company” means Golf Masters Ltd (and all of its subsidiary companies trading as Pitch) which provides the Club and its facilities for the benefit of the Members; “the Club” means “Pitch”; “Member” means a Club Member; “Rules” mean the terms and conditions of membership set out below. It is a condition of membership that Members agree to pay the fees referred to in Rule (2.) and agree to be bound by these Rules. These Rules may be revoked, altered or added to from time to time by the Company, without prior notification to Members. The Company has created these Rules for the mutual enjoyment of the Members and their guests. The enforcement of these Rules is for the good of all Members. No Member or guest will be judged on the basis of their race, gender, marital/civil partnership status, age, disability, religion or belief, colour, national origin or sexual orientation.

2. MEMBERSHIP AND FEE: Members must be at least 18 years of age. Members shall pay when applicable a non-refundable joining fee at the time of joining at the rate specified. Membership payments are payable monthly in advance. Monthly subscription runs from the 1st of each month. Payment of monthly membership can only be made by Direct Debit from a UK bank account. Monthly instalments and additional monthly charges are debited between the 3rd – 6th (or next working day) of each calendar month depending on the Club. Members must keep the Club informed of their up-to-date contact details. All communications shall be presumed to have been received within 5 days of the postmarked date, or ‘sent’ date if via electronic mail (“email”). All membership fees are reviewed annually usually on the 1st January, members will be notified of any changes by email giving 1 full calendar months’ notice. The Company reserves the right to refuse a membership application from any applicant for any reason. Membership is non-transferable and non-refundable, unless there is written agreement to the contrary. ‘Partner’ membership, where applicable, shall be available to partners residing at the same address. Reasonable evidence of joint residence may be required. If any monthly fees or charges incurred are not paid when they fall due, the Company reserves the right to temporarily refuse the member access to the Club until such time as full payment has been made. If any monthly fees or charges incurred are not paid within 30 days after they are due, the Club shall have the right to demand payment in full. If such amounts are not paid within 15 days after such demand, membership shall be terminated and the Club may pursue any rights it may have to recover the unpaid amount. The Club reserves the right to refer any missed payments to a debt collection agency and will charge you a fee, in respect of failed subscription payments and/or collection letters sent to you in respect of unpaid amounts. Upon termination of membership, no refund of any admin fee, monthly fees or other fees shall be issued. To re-join the Club after a termination of membership, any unpaid subscriptions must be cleared, a new membership agreement completed, non-refundable joining fee paid and the prevailing admin fee may be charged. Should you wish to transfer your membership to a different Club, a transfer fee is payable and your monthly fee will be amended to reflect your new Club’s rate (please see paragraph 15 if joined prior to March 2022). If you transfer Clubs within the first 3 months of your membership, you will be required to pay the difference between the joining fee paid when joining your original Club and the prevailing joining free at the Club you are transferring to (no refunds payable if this is less than originally paid).

3. MEMBERSHIP CARDS: Membership Cards will be issued to all Members on the provision of ID and must be used to activate the entrance doors to enter the Club. Cards are non-transferable and must not be lent to, or used by, another person other than the Member. If any person other than Member the card belongs to uses the card, that Member’s membership may be terminated and no refunds of the joining fee or subscription will be given. The Club reserves the right to charge a fee for replacement cards. The Company reserves the right to retain any membership card if there has been a defaulted payment by the Member concerned.

4. GUEST ENTRY: Members may bring guests to the Club on payment of the prevailing guest fee or through use of a valid guest credit or use of applicable member benefit (please note; guest credits expire 12 months after issue or on termination of membership). All guests must be accompanied by an existing member at all times. All guests are required to register at the Concierge desk, showing valid ID – 1 guest visit constitutes 1 guest entry to the Club. A guest may use the Club a maximum of 6 times in a consecutive 12 month period. After 6 such visits as a guest, they must become a Member in order to continue using the Club. Members may bring a maximum of 11 guests per visit, unless arrangements have been made in advance. All guests must be a minimum of 18 years of age. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests are aware of, and adhere to, the Club Rules. The Company reserves the right to refuse admission to any guest without explanation.

5. USE OF FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Club opening hours are fixed by the Company and are subject to change without prior notice. Weekend membership (where offered) admission; Friday from 2pm until Sunday closing, plus Bank Holidays. The Company may at any time close the Club’s premises or any part thereof, without notice, in order to; execute repairs, alterations, accommodate external events, re-decorations or otherwise, to facilitate Club programmes or on certain holidays. Only members of staff or a nominated 3rd party (the “Golf Professional”) may provide professional golf coaching services within the Club (“Lessons”). Members are requested to arrive at the Club for Lessons or social bookings 5 minutes before the official start time. The Golf Professional may refuse entry if a Member arrives later than the start time, or may ask any Member to leave a Lesson if they feel theirs, or another’s, safety or enjoyment is in jeopardy. The Company reserves the right to refuse entry to the Club’s premises at its absolute discretion. It is the Member’s or guest’s responsibility to ensure that they are capable of undergoing any activity within the Club. All activities and treatments are pursued at the Member’s own risk. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Lessons booking schedule, the management reserves the right to cancel or re-schedule lessons after booking and at short notice. The Lesson schedule may be amended during public holidays. Use of the Club’s Academy and Clubhouse bays and other Club facilities is at the Member’s or guest’s own risk and under their own medical advice. Proper attire, as determined by the Company, must be worn in the Club. Members are requested to wear at all times appropriate clean footwear in the Club. Appropriate attire must be worn in the Clubhouse and Academy area. Footwear must be worn at all times. Pets are not allowed in the Club without the Company’s prior approval. Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the Club. Only food and drink purchased from the Club should be consumed within the Club. No alcoholic beverages or drugs of any kind may be brought into the Club. Violation of this rule will result in immediate expulsion from the Club and may result in termination of membership. Members or guests shall not use the Club’s facilities whilst heavily influenced by alcohol or under the influence of drugs. In the event they do so, this is entirely at their own risk. Mobile phones are allowed in the Clubs however Members cannot take photos or videos of other members in the Club and are asked to be considerate of other members when using a mobile phone. Be considerate of others; loud or abusive language will not be tolerated. Club property, including golf clubs, balls, tees etc., is provided by the Club as a courtesy to its Members during Club usage only. Removal of Club property from the premises may result in the termination of membership privileges and legal action. Member appointments for Lessons or social bookings that have been booked require 24 hours’ notice when cancelling. If a Member fails to attend a lesson or social booking without providing such notice, the Club reserves the right to charge the full cost of the appointment. Members are required to leave bays clean and tidy. As a courtesy to other Members and for health and safety reasons, equipment needs to be replaced in the storage areas/golf bags provided. Any unused Lesson or Club credit, cannot be refunded. CCTV Closed circuit cameras operate throughout the Club (except in the changing areas) (see our Privacy Notice for more information). Any unlawful activity within the Club may be reviewed for possible legal action.

6. LOCKERS: Lockers may be available for use by Members and their guests whilst they are on the Club’s premises, subject to availability. Members must ensure that the contents of the daily lockers are removed at the end of their visit. Only Members who have paid to hire a permanent locker may have personal items left in their lockers overnight. Permanent lockers remain the property of the Club and under no circumstances can be shared with another member. The Club reserves the right to open lockers without the member’s permission or the member being present. The Company reserves the right to remove the contents from any ‘non-permanent’ locker, which has not been emptied after the visit. Property cleared from lockers, or left on the premises, shall be held for between 10 – 31 days, dependant on storage available onsite. Unclaimed items are donated to charity.

7. LIABILITY: Neither the Club nor the Company will accept liability for any damage or loss to a Member’s or guest’s personal property brought into the Club’s premises. All activities and treatments are taken at the Member’s or guest’s own risk. Neither the Club, the Company nor their servants and agents shall be liable for personal injury sustained by Members or their guests whilst on the Club’s premises, except in so far as it can be proven that this relates to the wilful act, neglect or default of the Company or the Club or any servants or agents. Members or guests who suffer an accident or injury on the Club premises must report the accident or injury and the circumstances in which it occurred to the Club’s management immediately following the accident or injury.

8. MEMBER’S HEALTH AND SAFETY WARRANTY: Members and guests must warrant and represent that they are in good physical condition and capable of engaging in exercise and notify a member of the Club management immediately in order that Member/guest notes and their Lesson programme can be updated or medical clearance obtained. If through injury or other reason, such as pregnancy, this is not the case, they must consult a doctor before engaging in exercise and that he/she knows of no medical or other reason why he/she is not able to engage in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to his/her health, safety, comfort or physical condition. The Member shall not use any Club facilities whilst suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, disease or other ailment or whilst suffering from a physical ailment such as open cuts, abrasions, open sores or minor infections where there is a risk that such use may be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or physical condition of other Members. We recommend that before using the Club you familiarise yourself with the fire exits and emergency routes in case of evacuation. Please note that employees are NOT required to “seek & search” the building. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each individual to follow the relevant instructions. Please note lifts will not be operational during an emergency evacuation.

9. DATA PROTECTION: Your data privacy and security are important to us. Please refer to our Privacy Notice which explains how we collect, store and handle your personal data.
10. CANCELLATION OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership cancellations must be received by the 1st of the last month of membership. For example, to cancel a membership expiring on 31st May, a cancellation form must be received on the 1st May, however if received on 2nd May both May and June will be due. Requests for cancellation must be made on a cancellation form available at concierge or can be emailed to you. You will receive an email confirmation within 2 working days – until you receive this email the cancellation will not be valid. Membership cannot be amended whilst in the notice period. Verbal instructions to amend or cancel a membership cannot be accepted, all requests must be in writing. Memberships can only be cancelled if subscription collection is active. Monthly fees and/or prepaid fees are not refundable. Ex-members wishing to re-join the Club will be asked to pay a joining fee plus any unpaid balance from the previous membership. Please do not send a cancellation form by post. Members wishing to transfer to a Club that is currently in pre-sale can only do so once the Club is open. They cannot join during pre-sale whilst already a member. The Company shall have the right to suspend or withdraw Club privileges or membership from any Member who, in their opinion, has abused privileges or conducted himself or herself in a manner deemed detrimental to the Club staff or its Members. Such expulsion or suspension shall become effective immediately and no reimbursement will be issued to such Member of the pro-rated portion of their unused monthly fees. There will be no refund of the joining fee. The Club management or a designee shall have complete charge of the Club whilst on duty. Members may be suspended or expelled from the Club immediately if they display conduct which is, or is likely to be in the sole opinion of the Company, injurious to the character of the Club or the interests of the Members and staff, or if they commit a serious or repeated breach of these Rules, in particular where amounts owing to the Company are unpaid. An expelled Member forfeits all the privileges of the membership and all rights against the Company. An expelled Member will not be entitled to any refund of their joining fee or subscription and must pay all amounts owed to the Company forthwith.

11. FREEZING MEMBERSHIP: Request for freezing shall be at the sole discretion of the Club. A minimum of 7 days’ notice must be given to freeze your membership, freezes will not be accepted in retrospect. There is a £25 fee charged per frozen month. Payment will automatically be debited using your preferred monthly payment method instead of your regular subscription. Members on maternity leave can freeze their membership FOC for a maximum of 12 months. The minimum freeze period is 1 month, however you can unfreeze your membership at any time. Extension or amendments to your freeze must be made in writing via email or through the website, and will be valid from the date we receive the request. Freezes can only be processed when a resume date is given. Monthly subscription payments will recommence automatically at the end of a freeze period. Subscription billing runs from 1st of the month, your freeze period may not coincide with your billing. Your membership needs to be live if you wish to serve notice to cancel your membership.

12. STANDARD COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE: Members and guests are encouraged to make any comment or complaint via email or through the website. Please ensure that all contact details are detailed in order that a member of the team can contact you accordingly to discuss. Should a Member or guest wish to discuss any issue in person they can also request to speak to the Club management who can be contacted by Concierge. It is our aim that we respond within 48 hours of receiving a comment or complaint. All written and verbal complaints are discussed at the Club’s management team meetings every week and tracked until resolved.

13. GENERAL: The Company may assign the benefit of the Membership Agreement to a third party at any time without notice to the Member. A person who is not party to the Membership Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely upon or enforce any term of the Membership Agreement. The Company may communicate with the Members via email and/or by SMS as set out in our Privacy Notice. Members are required to leave the practice and social bays 20 minutes before closing times if they wish to take a shower (where available). Once a year our Clubs may have to close over a weekend for general maintenance.

14. CLUB CREDIT: Any credit added to a membership account can be redeemed at all Pitch Clubs. It cannot be exchanged wholly or in part for cash. The Clubs reserve the right to amend/withdraw the validity of credit without prior notification. Credit is valid at the following places; Lessons, food and beverage, and apparel. Credit cannot be used against Lessons by Direct Debit subscriptions, however it can be used to purchase top up lessons and packs. Credit cannot be used against membership subscription. Credit is non-transferable. Member credit is valid for 1 year. Please mention credit at time of booking a service. Referral credit: when a referral promotion is running, you will receive Club credit for every new member who mentions your name at point of joining, however credit is not available in the following circumstances; in conjunction with any other offer, for ex-members re-joining the Club within 2 years of leaving, new joiners who were previously in communication with the Club, members joining together cannot refer each other, couples paying only one joining fee cannot refer each other. Memberships must be active for credit to be redeemed. Please note: Credit can take up to 2 weeks to be added to a members account once the new joiner’s membership has become active. Any unused Lesson sessions or Club credit cannot be refunded once you leave the Club.

15. COMPLIMENTARY GROUP UPGRADE MARCH 2022: Members who receive a complimentary group upgrade will lose their group status if they cancel their membership and subsequently re-join any Pitch Club. Likewise, members wishing to transfer to another Pitch Club will also lose their complimentary upgrade. Group membership will include new Clubs coming on line.

1. Practice, Lesson and social visits at our Clubs can be made through the Pitch Member Portal app. Please ensure you always bring your membership card to check in, as this will confirm your arrival for the booking;
2. Members are restricted in their use of the Club only by opening hours and their membership type;
3. Only one activity can be booked at the same chronological time, this includes Lessons/social visits;
4. If you change your mind, cancellation is available up until 24 hours before the start of the practice, Lesson or social visit. Late cancellation will be classified as a no-show;
5. If you fail to show for 3 bookings, your booking rights will be automatically suspended for the duration of 1 week.
6. This policy maximises the potential number of slots available to members.

1. Payment Terms: All Lessons with Pitch Golf Professionals must be paid for in advance.
2. Expiry Dates: Lesson packs must be used within a certain number of days from pack purchase; 10 Lesson packs expire within 12 months of purchase, 5 Lesson packs expire within 6 months of purchase, 5 Lesson beginner packs expire 2 months from purchase.
3. If you cancel a booked Lesson with less than 24 hours’ notice, or fail to attend a session, you will be charged for the session.
4. We encourage you to arrive at your Lesson 5 minutes before the start to get set up.
5. If you’re late for your Lesson, Lesson time will be reduced accordingly. If you’re more than 20 minutes late for your Lesson, the Lesson may be cancelled and marked as redeemed.
6. If for any reason we need to cancel your Lesson with less than 24 hours’ notice, or your Golf Professional is more than 10 minutes late for your session, you will receive a replacement Lesson free of charge.
7. If your allocated Golf Professional is; on holiday, absent, or leaves the business, the Club Manager will assist in allocating you an alternative suitable Golf Professional to take over your Lessons.
8. If you cancel your membership or your membership is terminated due to arrears, you will not be refunded for any unused Lessons.


1. The promoter is: Golf Masters Ltd t/a ‘Pitch Golf London’ with company no. 10045320 (“Pitch”) whose registered office is at Suite 2 258a High Road, Loughton, IG10 1RB, and Adidas UK Ltd ‘Adidas’ with company number 01075951, whos registered office is at Pepper Road, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 5SA.
2. The programme is open to residents of the United Kingdom within Greater London and the Home Counties aged 18 years and over except employees of Pitch and Adidas and their close relatives.
3. The programme is specifically for those who identify as a woman, and who have never played golf before or would classify as a beginner. Those that enter and do not fall into these categories will be excluded from selection. Likewise, if it is found that an entrant is not a beginner and enrolled on the programme, they will be omitted and their place offered to another.
4. There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter.
5. By entering, an entrant is indicating their agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
6. Route to entry for the competition and details of how to enter are via Pitch’s website.
7. Only one entry will be accepted per person.
8. Closing date for entry will be 1st April, 2024 at midnight. After this date no further entries to the competition will be permitted.
9. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.
10. The promoter(s) reserve the right to cancel or amend the programme and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the promoter’s control. Any changes to the programme will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.
11.The promoter is not responsible for inaccurate details supplied to any entrant by any third party connected with this competition.
12. 100 entrants will receive the following:
Two group lessons in April and May, three individual lessons at any of the Pitch venues, and five practice hours in any of the Pitch venues bays.
The prize is as stated and no cash or other alternatives will be offered. The prizes are not transferable. Prizes are subject to availability and the promoter reserves the right to substitute any prize with another of equivalent value without giving notice.
Participants will be in charge of booking their own lessons and practice hours.
Any participant that does not turn up to a lesson or bay booking will not be refunded or reimbursed the lesson or hour, and the lesson or bay booking will be deducted from their remaining allowance. Participants will not be allowed to replace the group lesson with an individual lesson if they miss the group lessons for any reason.
13. Winners will be chosen at random, from all entries received and verified by Pitch and or its agents.
14. The winners will be notified by email within 10 days of the closing date. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not confirm their participation within 2 days of notification, the promoter reserves the right to withdraw the participant and pick a replacement.
15. The promoter will notify the participants how they can book their individual sessions.
16. The promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
17. By entering, the entrant agrees for Pitch to contact them via email with future competitions, offers and events. Full details of Pitch’s privacy policy are available on www.staging-dublin.pitchgolf.com
18. The competition and these terms and conditions will be governed by English law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.
19. The winner agrees to the use of their name and image in any publicity material, as well as their entry. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the entrant’s prior consent.
20. The participant names will be available 28 days after closing date by emailing the following address: enquiries@pitchldn.co.uk
21. Once accepted, participants will be bound by Pitch’s general booking conditions available on www.staging-dublin.pitchgolf.com
22. Participants have until the 23rd August, 2024 to use their individual lessons and five practice hours. This time limit is to ensure participants get maximum benefits from the course. This finish date will be a hard finish and this can not be extended, regardless of personal circumstances.
23. Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.
24. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other social network. You are providing your information to Pitch and Adidas, and not to any other party. The information provided will be used in conjunction with the Privacy Policy available on our website www.staging-dublin.pitchgolf.com/terms-conditions


1. Once you have booked an appointment, you will receive a confirmation email with the booking details.

2. Should you need to change or cancel your booking, you can do this through the booking system via your email confirmation.

3. If you cancel a booked custom fitting with less than 24 hours’ notice, or fail to attend, you will be charged for the session.

4. All bookings will be regarded as provisional until payment in full has been received from the Guest. If any fees or charges incurred are not paid prior to the booking, the booking may be terminated without notice.

5. We encourage you to arrive at your fitting 5 minutes before the start.

6. If you’re late for your fitting, fitting time will be reduced accordingly. If you’re more than 15 minutes late for your fitting, the fitting may be cancelled and marked as redeemed.

7. If for any reason we need to cancel your fitting wth less than 24 hours’ notice, or your Golf Professional is more than 10 minutes late, you will receive a replacement fitting free of charge.

8. If your allocated Golf Professional is; on holiday, absent, or leaves the business, the Club Manager will assist in allocating you an alternative suitable Golf Professional to take over your fitting.

9. Pitch shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God (other than one arising from or related to directly or indirectly from volcanic ash), strikes, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, breakdown of plant or machinery, and Pitch shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligations. 

10. Any custom fit golf equipment purchased cannot be cancelled once ordered.

11. Changes to custom fit items must be requested within 24 hours of placement of the order. If you wish to make a change to the product you have ordered, please contact us. We will let you know if the change is possible. If a change is possible, we will let you know about any changes to the price of the product, the timing of supply or anything else which would be necessary as a result of your requested change and ask you to confirm whether you wish to go ahead with the change. We aim to deliver your custom fit order as quickly as possible.

12. All custom fit equipment is built at the manufacturer’s custom fit factory to ensure the highest quality of build, which may take up to 6 weeks as per the manufacturer’s lead time. 

Competition Terms and Conditions

  1. These terms cover all Pitch competitions including those run at Pitch events and through social media channels.

  2. Competitions are open to participants in the UK only.

  3.  Eligibility: Competitions are open to individuals aged 18 and above. Employees of Pitch, its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion, and fulfillment agencies, their immediate family members, and persons living in their same household, are not eligible to participate in the competition.

  4. Entry: No purchase or payment is necessary to enter or win. All entries must be submitted through the official entry method as specified in the competition announcement. Entries that are incomplete, illegible, or corrupted are void and will not be accepted.

  5. Winner Selection: Winners will be selected at random from all eligible entries received during the competition period.

  6. Prizes: Prize details will be outlined in the competition announcement. Prizes are non-transferable and non-exchangeable. No substitution or cash equivalent will be made available. All taxes, fees, and surcharges on prizes are the sole responsibility of the prize winner.

  7. Notification: Winners will be notified via email or Instagram within 7 days following the winner selection date. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 7 days from the time award notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed declaration and release as required, the prize may be forfeited and an alternate winner selected.

  8. The prize must be used within 3 months of the date claimed. Unless specified otherwise in the competitions specific T&Cs.

  9. Pitch is not responsible for shipping prizes to competition winners. Should shipping be necessary, it will be the responsibility of the competition winner to arrange and cover the associated costs.
  10. Publicity: Acceptance of a prize constitutes permission for Pitch to use the winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.

  11. Privacy: Information submitted with an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the Pitch website. By participating in the competition, entrants agree to the collection and use of their personal information as outlined in the Privacy Policy.

  12. Disqualification: Pitch reserves the right to disqualify any entrant or entry that it determines, in its sole discretion, to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the competition, to be acting in violation of these terms and conditions, or to be acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner.

  13. Pitch is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, technical error, or human error which may occur in the processing of entries or the administration of the competition. Pitch assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft, or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries.


  1. Each bay requires a minimum of 8 full-paying individuals. Smaller groups may be accommodated by sharing the bay with other guests.
  2. Full payment is required at the time of booking to secure your reservation.
  3. All packages must be consumed on the day of the booking.
  4. Pre-orders for food will be taken leading up to the booked date to ensure timely service.
  5. Drink upgrades are available on the day of the booking.
  6. Teams may pre-book ‘finals’ dates; however, refunds will not be issued if your team does not advance to the finals.
  7. Screens are provided for watching football and playing golf during the hire period. Only England games are available for viewing.
  8. House drinks include bottled beers, house wines, house cocktails, and house spirits.
  9. Cancellations can be made up to one month in advance of the booked date for a full refund.


  1. The competitions are open to residents of the United Kingdom aged 18 years and over except employees of Pitch and their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the organisation or judging of the competition.
  2. There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter these competitions.
  3. By entering the competitions, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  4. Route to entry for the competitions and details of how to enter are via Pitch’s Instagram.
  5. Only one entry will be accepted per comment on Pitch’s competition post on Instagram.
  6. Only one extra entry will be accepted regardless of the number of times they share it to their story.
  7. Please refer to the individual instagram post for entry deadlines. After this date no further entries to the competition will be permitted.
  8. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.
  9. The rules of the competition and how to enter are as follows:

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  1. The promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the promoter’s control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.
  2. The prize does not include accommodation or transport.
  3. The prize is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash or an alternative prize.
  4. The promoter is not responsible for inaccurate prize details supplied to any entrant by any third party connected with this competition.
  5. Winners will be chosen at random by software, from all entries received and verified by Pitch and or its agents.
  6. The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date. The winner will only ever be contacted by Instagram direct message. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 5 days of notification, the promoter reserves the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner.
  7. The promoter will notify the winner when and where the prize can be collected / is delivered.
  8. Where a prize is supplied by another party Pitch is not responsible for supplying or distributing the prize(s).
  9. The promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  10. By entering this competition, the entrant agrees for Pitch to contact him/her via email with future competitions, offers and events. Full details of Pitch’s privacy policy are available on www.staging-dublin.pitchgolf.com
  11. The competition and these terms and conditions will be governed by English law and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.
  12. The winner agrees to the use of his/her name and image in any publicity material, as well as their entry. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the entrant’s prior consent.